Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year's Eve Sparkle How-to-Wear: Sequins

Sequins can make very bold statements - especially since New Year's Eve is just a few days away - so here are some helpful tips on how-to-wear Sequins to keep you rocking in 2011:

a. Keep it simple. If you are wearing a sequin dress make sure you keep to simple and subtle accessories.
b. Balance. You can keep your sequins to a minimal for daytime - pair the sequin item with the basics ie: jeans, sweater, t-shirt, scarf etc.

c. Pop of Color. Don't worry about keeping the sequins in a basic color. You can make a fun and flirty look by using colored sequins.

d. Don't Mix Sequins or Wear TOO Much Sequins. A perfect way to look cheap and silly is to wear multiple sequin items in one outfit or in this picture below - having too much sequin fabric in a dress looks costume-y and makes a statement in not such a good way.

e. Test and Retest. If you are new to Sequins (excluding the 80's) play around with small simple accessories like a thin sequin headband or a skinny sequin belt in a neutral color (copper, silver, gold, black etc.)

f. Texture Watch. Keep your other fabric textures to a minimum as well when wearing sequins. Mixing too many different textures will make your sequins look costume-y.

Will you be wearing sequins for New Year's Eve? What ways do you love to wear sequins? Was this post helpful to you? I love to hear feedback - leave your comments and questions below!

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