Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cinco De Mayo Party!

So here in Walla Walla we have about 40% Hispanic Population which means this Cinco De Mayo will be lots of fun!

Here are some helpful tips to throw an awesome bash!

1. Party Guest Mustaches!
    Simply cut out some fun shaped mustaches out of felt. Stick some glue on one side of double sided tape and let dry before your guests place them on their face lol!
2. Mango Margaritas
    A great twist for your typical Margarita. Take mango puree and extra lime for this treat. I like to keep it more sour than sweet but you can adjust to your liking.
3. "Hello, My Name Is" Tags for your party guests. Take the guests name and translate it in Spanish. Doesn't translate? No Prob! Make one up! Great convo starter for your guests.
4. Party Menu: Cream Cheese Enchiladas, Guacamole, Chips, Sour Cream, Salsa, Jalapeno Hummus and Assorted Veggies. I made some fun "dirty sanchez" mustache cupcakes.

5. Games! Some fun ones our guests will be playing are Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Guess This Phrase in Spanish and our crowd favorite - Things!

I promise to take photos :) What are your plans for Cinco De Mayo?


  1. I made some margarita cupcakes last night for a work celebration! Yummy!

  2. I would like to be at your work party!! I bet they are DE-LISH!!
